Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Restocking the Freezer

I had to make a quick run to Aldis this morning after I dropped off the kids to class. I seriously only went in for rice and chili powder. Since I was there I thought that I might as well look at the meat section and I am so happy that I did. I decided that I didnt like to think I was starting over with the freezer, I am looking at it as a new beginning. Honestly its hit or miss sometimes of the kids will even be home for dinner and even though neither are going to be moving out tomorrow or anything I need to  learn that I dont have to have every thing for them. Just the other day the boy ran to the store without even being asked because he was out of almond milk. We have been leaving them every other weekend for several weeks and when I get home no one is dead. They will be fine. I am sure I will be fine too, eventually. Can you relate? 

Lets focus on those deals.

I got 4.6 pounds of lean ground beef. It only has 140 calories for 4 oz. Since only three of us eat ground beef I thought it silly to use the whole pound so I froze it in 12 oz packages. Which is why it was $2.40 per package. I bought for packs but got 6 meals when I divided. As someone who never thought herself a math person I love to calculate cost of meals and all that stuff.

I normally dont buy chiicken tenders because I have no idea why they charge more to cut your chicken breasts into 3-4 strips for you. But when I did the math these came our to $1.78 pound and I decided they would make for quick meal prep and who really enjoys cutting up meat? Not this girl, I just do it because I am cheap.

Last but not least the skinless boneless thighs. I have really become a fan of these especially in stir fry and fried rice. They offer so much flavor and you can always find them marked down. I think these came out to $1.17 pound. If I can get a meal with the meat being less than $2 momma is a happy camper. I actually took a few of the thighs and cooked them in a hot cast iron skillet with some seasoning and made wraps for lunch.

My freezer before this accident was a hot mess and after the door being opened for like a week it really was a hot mess. I had started to work on it but honestly I had done a poor job and labeling and sticking stuff all over the place and cramming and when I went to the freezer to decide what to make I dreaded it. I actually have lots of areas in my life that remind me of the freezer. Thats the good thing about fresh starts you can do them right now!  Think about a relationship that you may miss but you keep forgetting to reach out or just dont because you are too busy. Think about that closet in the livingroom, you know the one next to the front door, you hope that if anyone breaks in that will be the first door they open and if they arent killed by all the stuff thats going to fall out they will run away. Anyone else or is that just me? Also if you drop in for a visit dont try to open that door when I am not looking, I have it locked for your safety and mine.

Now close your eyes and think about some areas you need a fresh start in. One of mine is a date with Mr Ladybug. Oh sure we are always running around together, gardening, binge watching Netflix, we listen to audio books and all that but the other day I suggested we go out to eat. He was tired and said lets just order in and we did which was fine and we ate together but sometimes you just want to dress up and eat off dishes you dont have to wash. Our marriage isnt on the rocks and if we never eat somewhere nice again we will survive. Well fell in love on those first date nights and we will stay in love going on them too. It doesnt even have to be a place to eat. A nice picnic with nice food would work too. I think its all the rain we have had on the weekends that has kept us from our favorite outings. Basically what I am saying is I will drag that man someplace nice even if hes kicking and screaming! Wouldnt that be sight? Mr Ladybug is lucky to have me and I remind him of it daily!

Tomorrow I will show you my inventory sheets. Well thats if the printer cooperates.

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