Thursday, June 20, 2019

Who is stopping you?

Last night I realized I hadnt left me house since last Friday and I was actually pretty sick that day and when I got home from grocery shopping I wished someone would just shoot me and put me out of my misery. What a great and positive way to start a blog entry. I think maybe I was enjoying becoming a bit of a recluse which is actually odd because I am actually an extrovert. Any way I dragged my son out to Walmart with me to grab a few things. Mr Ladybug asked me last night to get the ingredients to make him some homemade trail mix and thats when I realized I am the only one who stops me from doing what I want to do. Well so did the sinus infection I had been battling the past two weeks but its mostly myself.

Here I am back home and I have started mixing the trail mix. I have peanuts, cashews, sliced almonds because I really dont like biting into whole almonds, pecan pieces because it seemed like a good idea, raisins, chocolate chips, dried cherries, raisins and a bag of reeses pieces and little reese cups and dried pineapple which is actually the only ingredient that Mr Ladybug requested.

First I started dumping the nuts in a gallon ziplock bag. Then once I started adding the dried fruit I realized I was not going to be able to shake it up so I had to get my large mixing bowl off the top shelf of the cabinet. For maybe 30 seconds or so I started wondering of Mr Ladybug was worth all this effort and maybe I made a mistake in this marriage of 29 years. We are getting ready to head out on a little vacation in week or so and maybe we will decided if its time to call it quits. For anyone reading this who does not really know me this is all a joke. Mr Ladybug is my partner in crime, beekeeping, farming and all things crafty. I wouldnt know what to do without this guy and his assortment of power tools and his love of spray painting. Anyway I then realized I hadnt added the reeses bag and then I start over thinking. Like is it weird to bite into a peanut butter cup and then into dried pineapple? I am seriously stressing way to long over this. I then just but the bullet and added it. I of course started freaking out a little which is crazy because its trail mix. You can pick around what you dont like. It will be fine.

So then this experience made me think about how I bought pink paint to paint the front door. My new focus in life is hospitality so be warned lots of recipes and cute ideas will be coming to this blog. I wanted a color to really brighten things up and I found bright pink paint marked down at Lowes. Now I have started worrying about what people will think of my front door which is crazy because on my front porch I have periwinkle chairs with flowered bottoms, a yellow table, a red table, a little green box so I am obviously not afraid of color. This is paint that cost less than $3 if I dont like it I can just find new paint.

I can go on for days over the things that I overthink about and then do nothing. No more, from now on the first thought I have I am going for it. Mrs Ladybug would look awesome tattooed across my forehead. Right? I guess I am writing this because I know that I am not the only one who thinks like this. My advice is dont be the one who gets in the way of your dreams. Nobody wants whats best for you better than yourself. All that grace and understanding you are willing to give to others give it to that sweet face you see in the mirror.

If you will excuse me I have a hostess gift to make. Mr Ladybug and I are headed over to a friends house for an evening of wine, cheese and other goodies. Its the perfect way to end my 2 weeks of being in a sick fog.

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