Monday, May 13, 2019

Is your glass half full of half empty?

There are some sayings out there that just make me crazy and I really had no idea why until the other day and this is what happened....

Wednesday I have my errand day, we are planning on heading out early Thursday morning to my moms farm so we can get her chicks out of their brooder box and into their coop we also plan on getting our green beans, watermelon and corn on the ground. Did I mention we have to do this in between rain showers? I get home from my last stop of errands and start putting the groceries away. I run out to the garage where we have a freezer and most of the good is thawed. Its not even cold. Are you serious?

I have already messaged a friend to stop by. I almost texted her and said done come. Dont be alarmed if you never hear from me again. I am running away. I instead just told her to message when she was on her way because I would be in the back throwing away all the food in my freezer.

I run to the store and grab whatever garbage bags smell the most scented because our garbage does not run for 6 more days. Oh my gosh the smell is going to be terrible. We are going to wake up with every meat eating animal from a 20 mile radius in our backyard, I just know it. 

I get about half of the food thrown in bags and in the garbage can and my friend is almost at my house. I take a deep breath and this thought comes to me "why do people say go big or go home instead of go small and manageable and stay out of the mental institution". I am going to admit that the time I thought this idea what the most profound thing I have ever thought. Typing it out I am seeing its good advice but maybe its not the best idea for my first tattoo.

My friends visit gives me a moment of pause. We chat a little about some things. She has some stressers in her life as do I. I am super sorry that she has some but its also nice to know that we all have things going on thats not Facebook perfect. She runs off to pick up her son from school and I go back to my smelly meat locker. It actually hadnt started smelling but it could have at any moment.

When I get done with the freezer its time to leave and pick up Mr Ladybug from work. The freezer is empty over $300 worth of food is now in the garbage but the freezer is not broken. Somehow it was left open enough to get ice built up which it already had some and needed defrosting but that caused it to not work properly and there goes my stockpile.

So we leave early Thursday  morning and get everything going on the farm and get a call from the kids that the back end of their car is making a weird noise. We are thinking maybe the thing that holds the muffler on has come loose and its that. They only have a 2 mile drive to and from school and if the muffler falls off no worries. We get all the stuff done on the farm and feel pretty good about it and get home around lunch time. Inspect kids car and its not the muffler its the wheel.

Of course it couldnt be an easy fix. It took some doing to get the wheel off the car but then the rest of the parts which I have no idea the names of would not cooperate. My guys are searching every website and youtube channel for a solution with the only one being was take a sledge hammer to it. I am not even kidding thats what so many people said you had to do. Saturday morning we ran around trying to find the right tool and well ended up taking a sledge hammer to it.  So now we are looking about a $250 project. We got all the part we could get in town and ordered the rest and everything should arrive by Thursday.

So that means that every day I take Mr Ladybug to work because I have to make sure the college kiddos get to work, school and any other appointments they generally take care of themselves. Does it sound like I am complaining? I dont intend to.

This was not my plans for the week but it is what I have been dealt. I can choose to over complicate the whole thing, be miserable and make everyone else around me miserable or I can just be thankful that it stinks to have to start all over with the freezer but now I have clean slate and try to have one of those Pinterest Photo freezers. I had more than I needed in there and some dont have anything to eat.

If we had to take the car in to be repaired our bill would be more than $250. I am lucky to be married to someone who can fix it and know the problem with the freezer. So is my glass half empty or half full? I dont even care I am just happy to have something in my glass. I am happy to have a glass even though sometimes it does look empty. I have friends who care for me as I do them. I have more food than I can possibly eat and thankfully the garbage comes tomorrow and there are no weird animals lurking around the backyard. I get to spend more time with my adult children driving them to a few extra places this week. I get to take my husband to work and start our day off just chatting it up and getting to talk on the way home. Lets not forget all those new recipes I get to try out and store in the newly cleaned freezer.

I have to leave in a few minutes to pick up the boy, then its home for lunch and then back out for an appt. While waiting a little bit for him at his appt I can make a quick trip to the library and work on new dinner menu for the week. I use to get so much done in car lines when they were in public school. I had perfectly organized coupons and lists and dinner menus. Without that down time I have found other ways to fill that time and am not quite as organized as I was in that department. I also got lots of knitting done. Its funny how when in the car lines all I could think about was all the stuff I could be doing and now that its gone I think of all the stuff I got done. Life is weird.

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