Monday, May 6, 2019

Budget Update and a few odds and ends

I have managed to survive the fruit flies and now get to battle the ants! For some reason ants dont seem as annoying to me. I usually  just find where they are coming in at and put a few drops of peppermint oil on the location, You can use essential oils or even an extract from your pantry. I will warn you that the ants will just find a new location to come in so keep the peppermint handy.

I havent really been updating the budget for a few months but its going along nicely. The good thing about keeping your budget on track is that when unforeseen things pop up you are prepared, like a new bee hive.

If you follow me on social media you know that our well established hive split last week. We were able to get all the bees off the 2X2 post they landed on and into a hive box. We checked them yesterday and they are doing pretty good. I am betting the old queen wishes that she hadnt left her old hive because they have to start over and build up from scratch. Mr Ladybug thought he saw eggs in the frames which is a very important thing so they can build up their numbers and get that hive ready for winter. The cost of buliding a new wooden hive is around $250. The cost of bees is around the same amount. Now you know why honey costs what it does. We really do love our bees though.

Its time to start changing the menu to more of a summer friendly one. For us that means more outdoor cooking on the grill and much faster meals. We eat a lot of tacos and salads. I will be working on summer menus this week and will share that later.

I also got an air fryer for my birthday and I am so in love. I have cooked fries, fish, potato chips and brownies, Not to bad for only having it for a week and being gone two days.

Over the weekend we went to my moms and started our big garden. This will be our first year and we are super excited. In fact Mr Ladybug was so excited he took all our tomato, pepper, squash and pumpkin plants to the farm to plant and left none for our backyard garden. I guess we have to live on potatoes. lettuce, onions, peas and herbs during the week and only get the other stuff when at the farm. Thats not really true because I made him start some new ones the other day. I can not live without tomatoes nor should I have to!

In the last three weeks I have only used my dryer for 1 hour total. I have no idea why this excites me so much but it does. Its taking some getting use to and with so much rain I had laundry coming out my ears but its not been that bad actually and putting on those clothes or placing your head on that pillow and smelling that sunshine makes me smile every single time.

I love the picture at the top of this post. We had just arrived at my moms on Thursday. We were headed to the old wooden shed where she has an old wood cook stove that needs a little tlc. I can not wait to get that thing working and cooking. Anyway momma and Mr Ladybug were all in a hurry to get to the shed and I was picking flowers and looking at the creek and just taking in all the nature around me. It was heaven. My May is going to be a little busy, momma has a surgery at the end of the month and our middle child graduates from college, gardens need tending, grass needs mowing and life is happening. Its so easy to be so busy that we miss all the beautiful things around us. My advice is if you are going through a busy season right now take time to stop, take a deep breath and enjoy whats around you.

Have an amazing Monday! I have some clothes that need to be hung on a clothesline and some meals that need planning and maybe a trip to Hobby Lobby.

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