Wednesday, April 3, 2019

How do you start your day?

Our normal weekday starts with Mr Ladybugs alarm going off and he getting right up. I usually wait a few minutes since we are a one bathroom household and that one bathroom is very small. So while I am waiting a few minutes I am usually snuggling with the worlds cutest beagle. Our Balder Beagle loves to sleep in. Mondays are so funny because hes had the weekend and no morning alarms. So when that alarm goes off on Monday morning he almost always groans like "not again". Hes even worse on long weekends or when Mr Ladybug is on vacation. So this morning he didnt groan but he wasnt amused either. After Mr Ladybug shuts off his alarm Alexa comes on with NPR news. This the thing I need to change. The news is normally not happy and though I do believe we should know whats going on in the world its not the best way to start your day out on a positive note.  I guess I need to figure out how to have Alexa wake me up with fun facts. I will tell you that if you say " Alexa just shoot me". She usually says that she doesnt know what that means. Hopefully tomorrow I will have a fun fact to share with you.

A while back I purchased a Smithfied ham marked down at Walmart. I like Smithfield brand because their spiral hams are usually spiraled through the whole ham. That makes it easy to get most of it off the bone without having to cut it yourself. So as you can see this ham started out at $23.48 and was almost 12 pounds. which made it $1.83 a pound. But when I cut into the package there was so much water, plus the sugar coating package and the bone that I only got about 9.5 pound of product. I am not saying I was ripped off but when you are figuring out how much things cost you have to take these kind of things into consideration.

I only paid $18.08 for the ham and will get 9.5 meals out of it that comes to $1.91 per pound. Which is a really good deal. I saved probably a pound of meat on the bone to cook some beans in too which is included in that 9.5 meals. With the half pound of ham I make homemade hotpockets with extra pizza dough I had in the fridge from over the weekend. I calculated that it cost around $1.75 to make 2 hotpockets and looked up to see that Hotpockets were on sale at the grocery for $2 for 2 in a box. I am sure mine had more meat and better cheese. I think some philly chesse steak hotpockets are in our future. I may even try to freeze some and see how they reheat.

I was reading that you could take egg shells, soak them in apple cider vinegar, place a lid on container, leave it sitting for 3 days and it makes a great anti itch remedy. It does need to be stored in the fridge and is good for about a month. Since I have good supply of egg shells from my chickens and I made 2 gallons of apple cider vinegar in the fall with the peels and cores of the apples we froze I thought I would give it a try. As soon as someone gets bit by something I will let you know how it works. I did it at the beginning of the month so I will try to discard old batch and make a new one each month to always have it on hand. If it works you are looking at less than a penny to make this stuff.

See how its bubbling a little? It will bubble over a bit with a lid on. So sit it on a saucer for those 3 days its out.

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