Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Being Thank Full

I feel like letting my religious freak flag fly (try saying that 5 times fast) a little this morning. As I was eating breakfast a bible verse came to mind.

This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

I am sure this is one of the many verses I memorized in Sunday School as a child. I also remember singing a song with the words during worship service. One of my favorite memories of this verse was when I was just learning to cross stitch and I made a gift with this verse on it. It was a window with flowers sitting on a table and this verse stitched on it. I even put it in a frame. I gave it to my great grandmother and she placed it  in front of a window where she sat in her rocking chair and where she read her bible and wrote letters. She told me it was one of her favorite verse and I believe her because she lived it every day.

 She had gotten sick and was not able to safely live on her own so she lived with us. Even on the days that she felt her worst she never complained. In her long  life she was always helping people and putting others first even when it cost her her health. She was a special person.

If you are a christian there are so many verses that tell us we should be thankful. If you arent a christian there are so many studies that that show that being thankful and being happy where you are can be very beneficial to your health.

This morning as I ate my breakfast in the picture above I thought about what it really means to me. Every single ingredient came from my backyard. The eggs, chives, red onion, tomatoes, dried peppermint tea and even the honey to sweeten it. My goal is to grow as much as my own food as possible. We have been gardening for about 5 years. We are not there yet. I could easily get down and ask whats taking so long or I can be thankful for how far we have come.

There are many other things we take for granted or forget to be thankful for. I could look at my bank account and wish there was more there or be thankful that I have a bank account. I could wish my house was bigger or be thankful for a roof over my head. What would happen if everyone was thankful for what they had or where they were at right now. You would not have things like envy and jealousy.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with setting goals and having plans to be more successful in anything you do. Just dont forget to enjoy where you are at right now. Dont forget to help others out who are where you once may have been.

Every day is a new day with new possibilities and adventures all its own. Dont be so busy wishing for what tomorrow may bring you dont enjoy what you have and those in front of you today.

Lots of Love

Mrs Ladybug

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