Thursday, August 31, 2017

Homemade Substitutes

I had baking powder on my grocery list.  While at the store I decided to try a different brand. I have tried every brand they make from the most expensive to the cheapest and honestly I do not see much of a difference. Anyway, while looking at the Bobs Redmill section of the store I got a little distracted. The store I was at had like all their products it seemed. I was looking and touching every package. I gave myself a mental slap and got back to the task at hand. I grabbed the baking powder and came home. A few days later I was making pancakes and grabbed the baking powder and it was baking soda. I even wondered how on earth I could have grabbed the wrong thing. FYI look carefully when buying the Bobs Redmill brand. The baking soda and baking powder are very similar in packaging. Now I understand why other brands have the soda in the square boxes and the powder in the round ones.

So whats a girl to do? It was pancake Sunday and both my guys were expecting pancakes! I knew I had read that you could make baking powder but I had never made it because I never had cream of tartar. That is an ingredient some recipes call for in meringue, which by the way I hate meringue but had bought some to make my hubby a pie. So I mixed the powder and the cream of tarter together, put in a recycled spice jar and used my normal amount. While waiting for my butter to melt in the pan to cook the pancakes my batter had risen in the bowl. That never happens.

The pancakes were so light and fluffy. I have made them one other time since Sunday and they came out just as beautiful. I think I will just be making my own baking powder from now on.

Its kind of funny that I never made it before because I am one of those people who think things should have multiple purposes. I dont buy brown sugar because you can make it with sugar and molasses. Molasses is a great ingredient to have when baking. Put a little in our baked beans next time or make ginger snap cookies. Yum!
I dont buy self rising flour because you can make it with your regular flour and baking powder.

Baking Powder

1 part baking soda
2 parts cream of tartar

Brown Sugar

1 cup sugar
1 Tablespoon molasses

Self Rising Flour

1 cup flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt

Notice my bag clip on the baking soda? Its another one of those things I think should have multiple purposes.

Lots of Love

Mrs Ladybug

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Take that step.

I set a goal for myself for the day after Labor Day. Thank goodness it wasnt a weight loss goal or I would be in tears right now! Lots of distractions have popped up along with my gift of procrastination.  I am talking a deep breath and a first step towards my goal today.

I know that I am not the only person with a goal or a dream out there. Whatever it is you have wanted to do just take a little step today to make it happen. A little step could be writing it down on paper, telling someone, asking someone for help or just a tiny start on that goal.

Think about all the things you have ever had to take a step of faith for. I think about marriage. When I got married I had all these crazy ideas what it would be like. It nothing like that. Throw in 3 kids. multiple animals and bills and it kind of sucked sometimes. I never thought it would actually suck. But we kept moving forward. Sometimes my husband had to drag me and sometimes I had to drag him. I am happy to say that just because things did not go according to my plan they did at least turn out better than I had thought. 

On a smaller scale I think about giving up paper towels. It was actually a little hard but we have all managed to survive. We have not used aluminum foil in a few months as well. I will have to post my creative ways to use pie pans as lids in the oven.

Whatever chapter you are writing in your story just do one thing today to get some words on that page. I want you to stand in front of the mirror, look at the face in the looking back and smile at it. You are an amazing person created to amazing things that only you can do. Oh others can do things like you and you like them but only you can do things like  you.

Lots of Love

Mrs Ladybug 

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

How average are you?

This morning I was reading an article that said the young women are wearing a new outfit an average of 7 times. The reason for this is because they do not want to be seen on social media wearing the same clothes over and over and over again. That lead me to do a little research into what the average money spent on clothes per year. They say to get your average multiply your yearly income by .05. It averages out to about $1700 a year for a family of 4.

So of course this led to another search of the average sized home, the average grocery budget and the average amount of clothes people had in 1830. It didnt take long for me to find out that I was way below average.

This crazy search all started with my daughter and I looking for a pair of jeans yesterday. I refuse to pay over $10 for a pair of jeans. I promise you my family is not running around pantless. I find lots of good clearance sales and since we always wear pants I buy discounted ones even if no one really needs them right this second.

If you pay over $10 for your jeans I do not think you are evil. Your money is your business. We spent around $400 trying to save the bees this year. We spent close to that amount on organic dirt and expanding our garden. Some people like pants other people like urban farming. I bet if I googled the average money people spent on saving the bees I would be way above average.

Did you know that back in the 1800's people had their one outfit they wore daily and their Sunday dress clothes and a other odds and ends that they could switch out? To get a new item of clothing was a big deal. You loved that item and you wanted it to last forever and you did everything in your power to keep it nice looking. Imagine on Sunday morning in your church sanctuary if everyone was wearing the same clothes week after week and that was the norm or when you had any  special gatherings. I remember reading in the Little House On The Prairie books that the girls always got excited when Ma wore a special dress or Pa got dressed up. The girls were over the moon when they got new ribbons to wear in their hair.

I am not going to lie this is actually an easy thing for me to talk about with little conviction. I really could care less about clothes. I own like 6 pairs of pants, 2 skirts, 5 every day t-shirts, 5 nicer shirts, 3 pairs of pjs, 4 sweaters and 2 coats. I only had 3 pairs of socks until I recently bought 6 new pairs. I prefer to go shoeless and sockless. This might seem crazy to you but it works for me. I wont judge your overflowing closet if you dont judge seeing me in the same outfit three times a week.  I also only have 6-7 pairs of shoes some of which are hand me downs from my shoe loving sister.

Before I buy an article of clothing I think about it. I usually walk away from it. Sometimes even wait a few days and go back. Sort of  in hopes they are gone or at least my size is. Sometimes I just hope that I can find it on clearance later.

Like I said if you like clothes, what you spend is your business but if you are always wishing you had more money  clothing is an area where  you can cut costs if you really want. Right now lots of summer things are clearanced. I will snag me 4-5 tshirst for a dollar or two and next spring I will turn my other ones into work shirts in the garden or I will cut them up and knit a rug or cleaning clothes.

This is one of my favorite nicer than a tshirt shirt. I paid $15 for it which is actually extravagant for me. I have  worn it at least twice a week for the past year. Thats like fourteen cents every time I wear it and I am still going strong.  I think from now on all my selfies will be in the car and I can guarantee that anyone who follows me on social media will see this shirt again.

Do you like my shiny lips? My homemade lip gloss is so easy. Get a roller ball tube and poke a hole in 3-4 vitamin e capsules and squeeze them into the bottle. Add a few drops of essential oils or even cooking oils like peppermint or lemon. Then fill with fractionized coconut oil. Use as often as you like. Your lips will thank you.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Forget what your mother said and talk to strangers.

First I would like to let my mother know that I do appreciate her teaching me important things like not talking to strangers. I just really needed a funny catchy headline to get peoples attention. I want to assure my mother that even though I plan on talking to strangers I promise not to eat my dessert first, run with scissors and to still look both ways before crossing the street.

We are taught to not talk to strangers. Thats actually not a terrible thing to teach your kids when they are young. Lets face it we live in a scary world. I sometimes wonder though if that "dont talk to stranger" mentality has carried over into our adult lives and we try to avoid strangers at all costs. Think about it. We can do all our shopping online without having to talk to anyone or we can go through a Uscan and not have to talk to a cashier. We can order our food online and pick it up with minimal conversation. Most of our appointments are now confirmed through text messages. I love all these things and think they make our life easier and faster but it can also isolate us if we let it.

Back in January a family member was in the hospital. I was sitting in a small waiting area waiting for my husband and son. A young man sat down and we said hello to one another. It was obvious he was not from Kentucky with his accent and being the nosy chatty person I am I asked where he was from. He was from New York. Which led to another question and another and another. I am surprised this very nice fellow didnt find some place else to sit. He mentioned having alpacas and that his wife spins yarn from their wool. I was so excited. I asked if she was on social media found out she had an Instagram. He called his wife to get her info for me and I looked her up as soon asi was back home.  I looked and still look forward to her Instagram posts and her husbands since I am now following his as well. I never asked the strangers name.

When we finally lost the last of our first chickens and I found myself with out eggs as I waited for a new batch of chicks to start laying I didnt want to buy eggs from the store I wanted to know the chickens who laid the eggs. I had seen pics of the strangers chickens but was not sure if they sold them. I sent her a message and she did and at an extremely reasonable price! We made plans to go to their farm and pick up the eggs. We got to meet the chickens, the alpacas and her rabbit who she spins wool from as well. We got to see their beautiful cabin on their beautiful land. The strangers are now acquaintances.

I plan on returning for a visit with permission of course. I am not a stalker.  I plan on ordering some things from her Etsy site for Christmas and I hope to meet up again and do some knitting. I look forward to the acquaintances becoming friends. You can find her shop if you go to and type fiberculture into the search.

The quote in the picture up top is one of my favorites. The more my husband I get into gardening and I get into herbs I see less and less plants a weeds. Its amazing the things they can help with. I harvested my first dandelion roots this year. They are a tincture that helps with upset stomachs.  While everyone else wishes to not see the pretty yellow flowers from the dadelions pop up on the yard we are excited about the jelly we can make with the flowers or how soaking them in olive oil infuses the oil and it can me made in to healing salves for dry skin. This quote can work just as well for strangers. " What is a stranger? A friend whose virtues have yet to be discovered".

Lots of Love

Mrs Ladybug

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Good intentions killed my plant!

Just like video killed the radio star my intentions killed this plant. A few weeks ago I was out weeding my peppermint and I clipped a few pieces to put in a jar with water just to see how long they would last. I am happy to report they WOULD have lasted quite a long time had I not let all the water evaporate out of the jar. It even started sprouting roots so I could have replanted and got a whole new plant. I put water in that thing twice a week for like three weeks then one day just totally forgot about it. It was sitting in my kitchen window right near the sink where i spend lots time with my hands in WATER washing dishes.  All is actually not lot though. I can use the now dried leaves as peppermint tea.

I had good intentions though. That counts for something doesnt it? I think about little projects I started or planned to start that got forgotten about. Dreams I had that were thrown to the wayside and sadly even friendships that sort of fizzle out because I kept intending to call them. With friendships we even sometimes justify it by saying "well its a two way street and they could have just as easily called me". They could but maybe life got just as busy for them as it got for you or maybe life got pretty stinky and your call could have been much used. Dont worry I am not writing to make anyone feel terrible. I have actually started 2 posts the past 2 days that slowly turned into crazy rants. Thats what happens when you decide to keep up with the world news.

I am here to hopefully give you hope and tell you to stop reading political news for a few days, your blood pressure will thank you. I want you to think about something you have intended to do but havent. If its because of time think how you can rearrage your schedule to make the time. Could it be something as simple as turning off the screen, thats tv or tablet? I wont lecture you about your facebook addiction as long as you dont mention my Pinterest one. Is money stopping you? Maybe you need to look at your budget or maybe you need to make a budget. Where can you save money to put towards your goal or dream or how can you make some extra money?  You have had your intention or you dream now its time to move on to your plan.

Think about relationships that you have and are there any people you wish to reach out to. People you may think about in the morning but then get busy and look at the clock at night and think its too late to call. I texted a friend last night at 10:30pm. I freaked when I realized the time. Shes actually someone I talk to often I just saw something on Pinterest and didnt want to forget to tell her about it.

I am reading a book right now that takes place right after WWII and its all written as letters to and from different people. It has really made me sad how the art of letter writing will be lost if not already. Reaching out to someone could be as simple as sending them a card that says "Been really busy but miss talking to you. Lets do tea." You dont have to do tea thats just one of my favorite things.

Water your intentions, help them grow roots into a plan or relationship and watch them take root to establish your goal garden. Can you tell I am a little excited about fall gardening?

Lots of Love

Mrs Ladybug

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Busy Bees

I remember a few years ago I read an article about bees and then my hubby and I watched a documentary on colony collapse. I looked at him and he knew what I was thinking and he said " we are never getting bees". Oh by the way thats my husband in the bee suit.

Last year we had gotten bees and everything was fine with them until about February. On an unseasonably warm day we noticed that our bees were acting a little odd and when we opened the hive almost all were dead. There are lots of reasons why this would happen. A more experienced beekeeper told me that with the temps getting warm and cool every other day the ball the bees make to keep warm  may have broken up thinking spring had arrived only to have it get below freezing again and they died. Whatever the reason we were bummed.

We had already ordered some bees to start a second hive so we knew we would have at least one but decided to order package of bees, With a nuc of bees you get around 10,000 bees with four frames that usually already have the queen laying eggs in. In a package of bees you get 3-5 thousand bees with a new queen in a box that they have to eat a sugar cork to get to. These bees have been taken from a healthy hive and if the queen was just put in there with them would kill her. Because they cant get to her and they have lost their queen they are kind of angry at first but as they get use to her smell by the time they are able to get to her they love her like their old queen. Another difference between a nuc and a package besides price is where they are at in the building up for the next winter. The package bees are at least a month behind the nuc.

Here it is getting to be the end of summer and the bees have been busy collecting pollen and making honey. As my hubby was inspecting the smaller hive this morning he brought me a present, propolis. This is a wonderful thing. Its a natural antibiotic, its believed to help lower blood sugar, help with minor burns and even help with ear infections. I am not a doctor nor am I telling you to stop seeing your doctor if you are on medications.

The best news was with the 1 1/2 quarts of honey that we were able to get today, in a few weeks, there should be more in the bigger hive. I promise you that we leave plenty of honey for the bees. There are some large scare bee keepers who take all the honey and then feed their bees sugar water over the winter. I personally wonder if that is contributing to some colony collapse.  How would be handle having all our food taken away for the winter and only being able to drink sugar water?

So here is my sweetie turning the extractor and a picture of a little honey with the capping from the frame. We had to strain out all the wax and little bee parts. We set the frames with the wax outside near the hive and the bees cleaned it all right up.

Have a great Saturday. We are going to go stargazing tonight unless the hubby isnt feeling it. He actually got stung on the leg by one of the bees. Thank goodness he thinks the honey is worth the stings.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Changing the world one foot soak at a time.

If you like to read my blog for my neat little recipes then just scroll down past the picture of the jar with my foot soak recipe in it. I am feeling a little chatty today and am lightly touching on world events and religion. I just needed to give my two cents worth and well this is my blog.

I am pretty terrible at keeping up with current events, I dont watch the news, some days I dont even turn on the tv. I know nothing of politics. I sort of live in a bubble. Its not that I dont care about whats going on outside my world its actually everyone having an opinion on whats going on out there that I dont care to hear. I promise you this is about as political or worldly as I get in my posts. I have learned in my 47 years that I can not change people. I can only change how I react to them and I chose love. Even for those who are not very lovable, My motives for that are pretty self serving as well. Just because I chose to show kindness to someone not being kind to me doesnt make them stop what they are doing and start being nice as well. It can but thats not always how it happens. They walk away angry that they didnt get a fight and I walk away feeling sorry for them but not angry.

I am just a woman who wants to garden, raise chickens, keep bees, and leave my little square of land better than I found it. I want to make my own stuff and create things that make me smile and hope to inspire a few people along the way the way that others have inspired me.

As I have made the mistake this week of keeping up with a few current events I thought if I could change the world around me how would I start. What do I do when I need to relax and get my thoughts under control? I soak my feet. This actually reminded me of something in the Bible. In John 13:1-17 when Jesus washes his disciples feet. This is also something I dont really do in my blog is get religous on you. I am not ashamed of my faith or that I am a christian. I believe that if we are doing it right we dont have to let everyone know we are a christian. I would hope that it shows in our actions.  Back to the foot soaking. My evening foot soaks are something that winds me down. Its relaxing and calming. I wonder if anyone would join me if I set up a few chairs around a wash tub in my front yard and put a little sign up that said free foot soak. I wonder how long it would take for a few people to start stopping by regularly?  I could also go big. We have a big fountain in our downtown I could just make up a big batch of my foot soak, dump it in the fountain and ask passersby to join me there. After I am arrested and get out of jail I could just do it again the next day. Is it even possible to have heated conversation sitting across from someone while you share a foot soak?

Last night as I was sitting with my feet in the tub thinking about all the negative things I read online and wondering if this world is really as terrible as everyone seems to think I thought about a few encounters I have had this week with people.  One was with a pharmacy worker who commented on how similar our phone numbers were which made me ask her if she had a rental property in another county that I am constantly getting calls for. She said yes. One was with a cashier at the grocery that we somehow got on the subject of her husband traveling a lot and she had lots of sample size toiletries she didnt know what to do with and I gave her the name of an organization to donate them to. I had a nice little chat with a lady who gave me her shopping cart at Aldis when I couldnt find a quarter. I then in turn gave it to someone when I was finished. I got to see my sister who lives like 10 hours away and she gave me shoes which I needed because puppy keeps chewing up my sandals. Lots of terrible things happened in the world this week. That doesnt mean that its a terrible world. Lots of amazing things have happened this week in the world. We just dont get to read about them. Instead of posting and reposting the negative things that happen in the world what if we posted ways that we personally impacted our little bubble positively? Just a thought.

World Changing Foot Soak

1 cup baking soda
1/2 cup epsom salt
5 drops of lavender
1 TBS spoon lavender buds (optional)

Mix and store in jar. Add a few tablespoons to your foot soak and enjoy.

Is that little crocheted basket adorable or what? My sister made that for me and filled it with chocolate. I think shes a keeper. We have a fun weekend planned. We are going to learn more about watching the stars, we are going to can some food and we get to see an eclipse on Monday. We are going to plant some peas, lettuce and other stuff.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

A quick good morning

My daughter has a friend who rescued a baby opossum whose momma had died. Is that not the cutest thing ever? I do not need a baby opossum, I do not need a baby opossum, I do not need a baby opossum. I really want a baby opossum. My hubby was asleep when our daughter got home last night and showed me the picture. I sent it to him this morning and got a very quick reply. He thought we had found it and it was in our house. I think we was relieved to know that it wasnt.

This spider is named Hildy. She showed up several weeks ago when it was pretty hot outside between the window and the screen at my kitchen sink. I thought she was fun to watch while washing the dishes and she caught lots of little bugs. I think she keeps getting bigger and now that the temps are sometimes getting lower I cant open my window for fear of her coming in the house! I also feel like it would be kind of rude to ruin her little home when I encouraged her and I do actually talk to her every day.  I think while I am sitting getting my car worked on today I will try to find out what kind of spider she is.

You will be happy to know I slept so well last night. I like to soak my feet at night. I fill up the bottom of the tub with warm soapy water and sit on the side with my feet in a read. My daughter has been coming in there to join me and so has our dogs. The dogs dont get in the tub they just sleep on the floor. Anyway after my relaxing foot soak, I come to bed, use my magnesium oil, put on any essential oil that I find calming, and turn on my diffuser. RIght now we are using euclapytus and lavender to help with my hubby allegies. I fell asleep on my left side and woke up 7 hours in the same exact position feeling very awake.  I think while googling spiders I will add look up good foot soak recipes as well.

Yesterday the kiddos and I ran to one of my favorite grocery stores. Luckys. We purchased some peaches and they girl couldnt even wait to get home before she bit into one. She said it had no flavor and it was disappointing. So I called a local orchard to see if their peaches were ripe and for sale yet and they were. We drove there and bought some and it was so worth it. They also had tomatoes on sale and since the squirrels and groundhog and  I really hope its only one groundhog, I think I may get some of those tomatoes to can this weekend. You get 26 pounds for $15. While I am there I may grab some apple cider as well. We love Evans Orchard!

I hope you all have an amazing Thursday. Find time to make a new friend even if its an opossum or a spider.

Lots of Love,

Mrs Ladybug

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

How can it only be Wednesday?

This week is just dragging on. Does anyone else feel they are moving in slow motion? We are pretty schedule oriented in our house and if anything disrupts that we are all off our game. I use to think we were pretty flexible but I think I was in denial. 

Our daughter got back from her vacation yesterday. We drove about an hour and a half to pick her up which was a much shorter journey than the 13 hours she and my sister spent in the car. Being away in the evening put out pets off their evening schedules, I decided to drink and iced tea while we were out which must have had triple the caffeine in it and I was unable to fall asleep. The puppy needed back out around 11 as  I was drifting off to sleep. Then he started barking his crazy head off when I let him out. I saw a groundhog yesterday eating my cucumbers and I think the puppy may have been barking at it last night. Hes a beagle and you can always tell when he picks up a scent. To make things even more fun the cat decided to jump on and off our bed last night aggravating the puppy and our other dog. That my friends is why I have dark circles under my eyes and can not speak in complete sentences today.  Its okay though as you can tell in the photo Balder is sleeping perfectly well right now.

These are the pizzas we made the other day. Once frozen the stack perfectly in a bag and fit in the freezer. Since I had ran out of mozzarella we just put the dough and all the toppings in little bags and put it all in a big bag. All I will have to do is roll our the dough once it thaws, add the toppings and bake.

We also make mini meatloaves. We freeze them. pop them our of the muffin cups. place in bag and pop out whats needed for dinner. When baking them I will flatten one like a hamburger, add the the catsup topping and put it in my hubbys lunch one day. I think meatloaf sandwiches are weird but he likes them.

I really dont have an exact meatloaf recipe. For every pound of ground meat I add an egg and 1/2 cup of bread crumbs. You can add chopped onion and green peppers if you like as well. For the topping I just mix 1/2 catsup to a few teaspoons of brown sugar and spoon on top about 10 minutes before its done. I really need to time them too. I just normally look at them and know they are finished. Oh no I am turning into my mom and granny. I remember asking my mom for a recipe when I was firt married and she said " just add this and this and that and bake" No measurements or times and I got off the phone with her and fixed something else that had exact measurements and times.

I have been using the magnesium foot lotion and the homemade eye cream for about 10 days now. I have to say I think both work very well. On nights when the animals dont all lose their minds and I dont drink caffeine I sleep great. I dont think I look any younger but my face is so soft. After reading severy recipes for an all face cream I seen that they were all mostly the same as the eye cream and started put it all over my face and neck. I used magnesium tablets on my foot cream and have since read about using flakes that dissolve and you are sort of making your own oil. I am going to try that next and maybe not have the grit left in the bed from the capsules. Did you ever get your kids a sandbox at home and then you found sand everywhere for like 5 years. Thats sort of what the magsesium is like in the capsules.

On the agenda today is to stay awake, finish getting some things in the freezer, figure out where my tomato sauce pictures are on my tablet,  try to get my blog ready in the evening since I have a car appointment in the morning and write a book on tire pressure monitoring systems because I have been back to the shop three times and am becoming an expert on them.

Lots of Love

Mrs Ladybug

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Spaghetti Sauce and a quick hello

My day has managed to get filled up and I almost didnt post anything today. I want to blog and I enjoy it. I actually do not care how many readers I have. Mind you I would love to have lots of people enjoy my blog but just the few responses that I get tickles me polka dotted. I know the saying is pink but polka dots are my favorite.  So if there is something that you enjoy doing I would like to encourage you to do it. Even if you arent very good at it. Sort of like me and grammar.

The boy and I made a big pot of spaghetti sauce. For dinner we had spaghetti and meatballs and we made pizzas to freeze for this weekend plus a pizza meal kit I will show you tomorrow.

Spaghetti Sauce

5-28 oz cans of crushed tomatoes ( make sure your pot is big enough)
5 Tablespoons of italian seasoning ( dried or from your garden)
3 Tablespoons sugar or honey ( you dont have to add this but I think it cuts the acidity of the tomatoes)
salt and pepper to taste

Cook on medium heat and simmer for at least 30 minutes. Its ready to serve or freeze.

For some crazy reason I can only get my pizza pic to load. We used the spaghetti sauce to make the pizzas. We roll them out, add all our toppings and freeze them in the pie pans. Then we pop them out the next day and stack them in ziplock freezer bags. When you bake them you just add a few more minutes to your cook time.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Super lazy weekend, pancake Sunday, and why I am wearng a hat.

I recently noticed that whenever we get ready to go somewhere my guys grab a baseball cap to throw on. I guess it is like how I always grab my purse. Of course you cant keep things in your hat so it actually seems a bit weird. I wear a baseball cap when we are going to be out like walking the dogs and things and they are great for protecting your eyes from the sun. Thats the extent of my hat experiences. As a joke the other day when my guys grabbed their caps I put my hair in a pony tail and threw on mine as well. I now know the secret. You dont have to worry with how your hair looks.  I may never take this thing off or brush my hair ever again. I fell so free now. Think of all the time I will save!

I was not feeling well this weekend. Nothing serious and nothing a heating pad. chocolate. lying in bed and crying while watching chick flicks wouldnt cure I should have known something was wrong when I had the urge to flip someone off the other day. I dont do that or ever think about it but sometimes those hormones are insane. 

My guys and my oldest daughter and her hubby went to a baseball game Friday night. I normally go out shopping with our other daughter but shes in Alabama visiting my sister and sending me pictures like this one. 

I am totally jealous but glad they are having a good time. So since I was alone  I did some Christmas shopping. I know that may sound crazy to some but I really like to get it all knocked out before Thanksgiving. I even try to have most of my meals planned and cooked for the month of December just so I can sit back and enjoy the holidays and whatever else might pop up that month. We will discuss that more as the holidays approach. 

Saturday was so lazy and just what a frazzled ladybug needed. My husband put on a few finishing touches to our daughters room while she was away. She painted her room before she left and he told her he would do her trim and hang her light fixture. The boy and I ran to Chipotle with my amazing coupon. I also had a great coupon at chicken place and the boy used that one since he does not like Chipotle. While we ate lunch we watched The Lost World of Z. I enjoyed the book and I enjoyed the movie. It had gotten some bad reviews, I am guessing because it wasnt action packed enough for some people.  I found the story of Percy Fawcett interesting and sad. The book was written by David Grann and of course had much more information than the movie.

Every Sunday I make pancakes for breakfast. I have no idea how this started as a tradition. Honestly am not a huge fan of them but my guys are and I am a huge fan of my guys. These are my blueberry pancakes. 


1 1/2 cup all purpose flour
2-3 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons sugar
1 egg
2 Tablespoons cooking oil
1/2-1 cup of milk This is a personal preference. I like a thicker batter so I only use 1/2 cup some like a more thin batter.

Mix dry ingredients and then add the wet ones. You can add chocolate chips or any berries if you like. Use a 1/4 measuring cup or scoop to put in a hot oiled skillet. when you see bubbles its time flip. 

The other day my friend Marlene messaged me a picture of a crockpot full of homemade spaghetti sauce. She was going to freeze what her family didnt eat for faster dinners later. I was super inspired and the boy and I are going to make up a big batch of spaghetti sauce today to make spaghetti and meatballs,  a ravioli casserole, lasagna soup and pizzas. I will share my recipes tomorrow. I dont have them written down and will try to get better measurements for your guys other than " throw in this or that".

Have a great Monday friends.

Lots of Love,
Mrs Ladybug


Friday, August 11, 2017

Its Friday!!!

The weekend is almost here, can you smell it like the cute kitten in the picture? The boy and I are going to do a little food prepping today, for the weekend, to make things run smooth. I am going to make some potato salad which the boy and the hubby love. That will go great with some leftover sloppy joe mix I froze and if the boy wants a snack.  We were going to make some chocolate chip cookies and a few other things I will show you later.

One of the things I try to do every Friday is think about where me may go over the weekend. Will we go to Lowes? Where may we dine? Things that I can score fuel points with at Kroger by buying gift cards. The other day I needed dog, puppy and cat food, I buy larger bags and Petsmart is the only place that carries the food we buy. I grabbed a $100 PetSmart gift card and got 4X the fuel points at Kroger. The hubby and I try to fill up our cars together since you are allowed up to 35 gallons of gas each time. I think my car hold 14 and his 10 so we are good, We will at least need 20 gallons of gas total with the 40 cents off per gallon thats an extra saving of $8. If I grab a $50 Lowes card that will be 200 more fuel points and I think we may run to Chipotle for lunch tomorrow since a friend told me about a great buy 1 get 1 offer online a $20 gift card will earn me another 80 fuel points and I am sure I have enough to bring my points to another 10 cents off per gallon. 70 cents total would make my new total about $14 saved in fuel. I hope that makes sense. Another deal Kroger has right now is for Red Robin. If you buy 3 gift cards, and they have them as low as $10 each you get $5 off. I have never eaten there but if you go there that would be a nice savings and if you can find coupons to use thats even more.

We are also headed to the library to grab a couple of free movies. I need to stop and grab my hubby some socks. He has to wear steal toed boots for work and they are rough on the toes of socks. Does anyone have any suggestions on saving the toes without me cutting my sweeties toes off? I think we are going to work on a lighting issue our newly remodeled bedroom. We have the light in the middle of the ceiling but need something more for personal reading on each side of the bed. Our night stands are repurposed drawers that dont leave a lot of room on top to sit a lamp.

I hope you have a fun weekend planned even if its a simple as watching a free movie from the library and eating a half priced meal! If you google chipotle coupon you will be taken to their website where you play a game of making music and when you finish with your song you add your cell number and they text you the coupon.

Lots of Love,

Mrs Ladybug

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Be kind, homemade goo begone, brownie recipe and dinner

The other day I dropped my guys off downtown for a sporting event. When my hubby realized where I intended to drop them off at he told me to just let them off in the middle of the road on Main Street. I said that was silly I would drop them off in this little side parking lot. He said that was silly and that I would still be trying to get out of that lot when he and they boy were leaving. I told him that someone would let me out because there are nice people in the world and that I look like a nice person myself. As they walked away I pulled up to get out and the very first car stopped and let me out! I am not sure if I was happier about someone letting me out or that I proved my hubby wrong.

Yesterday my hubby was a little late getting home. He said that a young ladies car had quit in front of him at a red light and he stopped to help her. Hes pretty sweet like that. He said that no one would stop for just a second so he could push the car over into a parking lot where she would be safe. Finally another gentleman stopped to help and they were able to get her out of the road.

`Besides being a super sweet guy my husband stopped to help that young lady because he probably thought about our daughters and he would hope that someone would help them in the same situation. The man who let me out in a very busy traffic situation probably thought " why on earth did that crazy woman pull into that lot and get stuck". He knew what he would want someone to do for his wife in that situation. What if we thought more like that too. What if we just tried to be kind to everyone we met.

I used up all my coconut oil and decided to clean out the jar and use it for other things. I like to put leftovers in glass jars. It makes it easy to see whats in there. You can also put them in the freezer just dont fill them up all the say since liquids expand. They are also good to give someone leftovers in if you dont want your container back. The label was kind of like plastic and I have found the adhesive under those are usually a little tougher to remove then just paper ones that can be soaked in hot water. So after soaking the jar and getting the plasic layer off I made up some goo begone, let it set for about 10 minutes and with a little scrubbing it came right off.

Homemade Goo Begone

1 teaspoon of cooking oil like vegetable, canola and even coconut
2 teaspoons of baking soda

Mix, apply let set a few minutes and wipe off.

I honestly dont know whats in real goo begone. I know my husband used it once to get something sticky off his motorcycle. I do not know how making soda would react on the paint of a motorcycle so if you use this think about any damage that could occur to your surface. If its glass it should be fine.

Several years ago my son and I bought an old Fanny Farmer cookbook at a yard sale. It had a brownie recipe and after a little research we could out that the Fanny Farmer cookbook was the first cookbook to publish a brownie recipe. We tweeked the recipe a little bit since we did not have solid baking chocolate and it has been out brownie recipe every since. The kiddos have made these for their friends for years and we have to find someone who does not like them. I only had these fail once and that was because I forgot to put sugar in them.


9 Tablespoons cocoa
3 Tablespoons oil like canola, vegetable or coconut
6 Tablespoons butter melted
1 1/2 cup sugar
3 eggs
1/4 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup flour
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla

mix oil and cocoa, stir in butter and sugar, add eggs. mix in flour, salt and vanilla. Pour into a 8X8 square pan thats been greased and bake in 350 degree oven for 40 minutes.

The icing was from a box or Hershey's cocoa. I am pretty sure you can find it on their website.

I knew we were headed to a park to walk the dogs before dinner last night so I wanted something that would be pretty easy to throw together when we got back. Several days ago when I grilled steak for my hubbys birthday I had made extra and put it in the freezer. I got it out and made fried rice. Remember I  had froze rice the other day? Since its time to head back to the grocery store today or tomorrow I wanted to use up any fresh veggies I had before they started not looking so fresh anymore. I had broccoli and mushrooms.

Fried Rice
2 cups cooked cold rice
2 eggs scrambled
Cooked cubed meat of your choice.
2-3 teaspoons sesame oil
soy sauce to taste

I scramble my eggs and cook in the skillet first in a little bit of butter to keep from sticking. When egg is done I remove from pan and sit aside.  Add the sesame oil and rice and stir around to warm up then add egg, and whatever you want. I usually add the cooked meat and sometimes peas and carrots. This is really whatever veggie you want or meat.  Add soy sauce to taste. I like to go light and my husband will add more to his.

In a separate skillet add 2-3 teaspoons of sesame oil, then add your chopped veggies. I used about a pound of broccoli, a medium onion. 8 oz mushroom and 2 minced garlic cloves. Once the veggies start to get a little tender I add maybe a Tablespoon soy sauce and a teaspoon or two of honey. My guys like it sweet.

This only took about 15 minutes to throw together with having the meat cooked, the rice cooked and the veggies chopped.

Lots of Love

Mrs Ladybug

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Tooth paste. deodorant, vintage hankies and dinner

Good morning friends! Yesterday my hubby got off work early and we took the dogs on a nature walk. I saw this tree with all the pretty purple flowers around it and butterflies flying around.

I can not say I slept well last night but I am sure it had nothing to do with the magnesium foot cream.  The puppy needed to go out a midnight which did not take long but the cat knocking things over afterwards was the problem, Maybe I should rub the lotion on his little paws tonight.  The boy was online gaming when I went to bed so I did get his feet and the hubby slept great and all through the puppy and cat fiasco. He and I did both say that we woke up a little earlier yesterday and felt more energetic. That could be all in our heads or maybe its working. I will keep you posted.

Yesterday was a no errand day, well sort of.  I didnt have any bread and didnt feel like making any so we ran out to the store. I found some sour dough bread from the bakery for $1.49! It expires today but if you keep it in the fridge that usally gives you a few extra days. I am pretty sure we are not going to eat it all in the next three days so I will put in the freezer to use for bread crumbs, croutons or stuffing.  I had a free movie rental from redbox so we grabbed Going Out In Style. It was a cute movie plus I love Morgan Freeman. I also signed up for text messages from Rallys. I am not a huge fan but when the boy was in marching band and had late nights he always wanted to stop there on the way home since it was near his school. I had a free sandwich with the purchase of a drink. So we grabbed that for his lunch. I was quite pleased with my bargains yesterday.

My parents came to town and stopped by for a little visit and brought me vintage hankies! I saw the cutest idea on Pinterest where you make a curtain with them. Mom brought me 16 and I have 4 of my own. I kept trying to lay them out on my bed to see how big a square they would make but dogs and a cat kept trying to help  me.

Dinner was actually pretty easy last night. I seriously think I am getting lazy when it comes to dinner. I bought this great organic rice mix in the bulk section of a store called Luckys. It has rice, wild rice, barley, dehydrated spices and veggies. I just cook it in broth and add garlic and a little butter. Since it does not come with instruction I just treat it like plain rice and add 2 cups of liquid to 1 cup of rice mixture. I just keep an eye on it and add more liquid if it needs it. I grilled some chicken and added some frozen pease and it was a hit. The boy and I even have some leftovers for lunch today.

My husband and I stopped buying soap and started making our own a few years ago. I also started making my own deodorant and toothpaste. The kiddos still like their store bought soap and not even the hubby wants to try the homemade deodorant and toothpaste. So until someone tells me I smell or my teeth start falling out I will continue making my own.

For the toothpaste

1/2 cup organic coconut oil
1 Tablespoon Himalayan Pink Salt (make sure its ground and not little chunks)
2 Tablespoons calcium carbonate ( you find in the supplements section)
1/2 cup baking soda
1/2 teaspoon liquid stevia ( you dont have to use this but it helps a little with the saltiness of the salt)
1/2 - 1 Tablespoon peppermint flavoring ( I like it a little less minty than the full TBS)

You just mix well and store in a container.  This usually lasts me 3-4 months. I keep it in the linen closet in the bathroom since my jar wont fit in the medicine cabinet. I just use a pea size bit.  If you have ever tried oil pulling you can do it with this as well. Oil pulling is where you put coconut oil in your mouth and swish it around for 20 minutes I think. Its very hard to start out doing it that long so you usually have to build up. Its perfect to do while in the shower. I do this in the evening when I brush my teeth and shower before bedtime. Some people say its great for allergies, some say it doesnt do anything. I am not a doctor and can not say. It doesnt hurt and my teeth feel very clean so I will continue.

Homemade Deodorant

1/3 cup coconut oil
3 Tablespoons beeswax
2 Tablespoons shea butter
1/3 cup arrowroot
2 Tablespoons corn starch or baking soda ( baking soda breaks me out so I use corn starch or just use extra arrowroot.
10-15 drops of essential oils.  I usually use a combo of tea tree, lavender and orange

Melt oil, beeswax and shea butter in a small pan then mix in the other ingredients and put in a mold. If you do not have a mold just use cupcake liners in you muffin tin. This will make the equivalent of two sticks of deodorant. I have seen online where people put them in old deodorant containers. We tried this before and it if gets warm it melts pretty easy. I would not advise trying it unless you keep it in the fridge and standing in front of the fridge putting on your doeodorant and then sticking it back in just seems weird to me. I do keep the unused one in the fridge.

Have a great Wednesday. I am going to try to get all the laundry washed and dried outside. We are suppose to get rain the next two days. Its also time to start planning the weekend end meals and next weeks menu. I think the boy was going to make his homemade brownies. I will share our recipe tomorrow.

Lots of Love

Mrs Ladybug

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

I didnt get lost, unicorns, no one starved, eye cream and lip gloss

I am so happy that I didnt get lost and made it back home. In fact I didnt even get lost one time. Thats the first time ever. We used a diffuser in the car yesterday. We did not keep it on the dash the whole time either. I had my girl take a picture before it ran out of water. It really made the car smell good. I get car sick sometimes so I am going to try to use this with some oil mixtures that help with carsickness. Yesterdays trip was pretty straight so I didnt have to worry about getting sick. I dropped off the girl to my sister so she can have a nice little vacation before she starts back to college. My daughter in a Chemistry major and will have some type of science class this next semester plus physics. Shes very excited about this. I sometimes wonder if I got the wrong kids from the hospital.

A few weeks ago I found a minion mug at the pharmacy. I was so happy to grab it for my sister as a little gift for the future. We were on the phone the other day and she told me she had gotten me a little gift and I was like I got you a gift too. We have joked for years about how we sometimes do the same exact thing. Once we bought the same sweatshirt without being together and met up to go shopping looking liked twins. She moved to southern Alabama several years ago and we managed to get the same cell phones like three times without knowing what phone the other had. Then yesterday was the mug exchange.  I love my new unicorn mug!

Since I didnt get lost yesterday I got home earlier that planned so I had a little more time to think about dinner. I decided on sloppy joes. Since I was making up my own recipe I wanted to call them sloppy moms but decided that didnt sound very apetizing and decided to stick with joes. I also made smashed potaotes with bacon, cheddar cheese, sour cream and chives.

Sloppy Joes
1 pound ground meat ( beef, chicken, turkey, pork...)
1 medium onion chopped
1 garlice clove minced
1/2 cup catsup
2-3 Tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon of molasses
1 teaspoon of mustard powder

Add meat, onion and garlic to pan and cook until meat is not longer pink, drain off any fat, return to pan and add rest of ingredients and turn temp to low and let simmer for 10 minutes. If you do not have molasses or mustard powder you can use brown sugar in place of white sugar and leave out the molasses. You can also just use a tablespoon of regular mustard if you dont have the powder.  If your sauce seems a little dry just add more catsup. This is a pretty easy recipe to double and put in the freezer as well.

For potatoes you just boil small red potatoes until they are soft, mash them on a baking sheet and top with cheese and bacon. Pop in a 425 degree oven for about 10 minutes.

Like rice, crumbled bacon is one of those things  I like to cook and keep in the freezer. We dont eat bacon all the time so when I do use it for breakfast or for BLT's I like to just cook the whole pack, crumble what we dont use and freeze.  You can add it to soups, salads and baked potatoes.

We all used the magnesium foot cream last night. I slept just fine, the hubby slept fine but the boy did wake up a few times. He was also sleeping with our daughters dog since she is away, So that may have been the reason too. I did wake up a little early this morning. Even if this does not help with sleep it makes your feet soft.

I also tried an eye cream recipe and really like it. I have had oily skin my whole life but something about hitting 47 is turning me into a raisin. I am trying to keep moisturized. My homemade soap is olive oil based and that has normally been enough. I have found recently that I need lotion and lip balm regularly.

Eye Cream
1/4 cup coconut oil
6-8 vitamin e capsules
10 drops frankincense oil
1/4 teaspoon rosehip oil

Place small calling jar in a pan of water. You are making a double boiler. Turn burner to medium high and add coconut oil to jar. Once melted poke hole in capsules and squeeze into oil, add remaining ingredients and stir. Put in container with lid and set in the fridge to cool. Frankincence and rosehip oils are suppose to have anti aging properties. I dont think I look any younger after using it but my skin sure is super soft.

For Lip gloss you need some roller ball containers. You can find them on Amazon in packs of 12. The first ones I got I went in with a friend to split the cost but it didnt take me long to need more for perfume, gifts, bug bite rub, muscle rub. headache rub..... You get the picture.

Poke hole in 2-3 vitamin e pills and squeeze into roller ball container. Add a few drops of essential oil for flavor, I like orange. Fill the rest with fractionized coconut oil. This oil is all liquid and can be found in the cooking section of your grocery store or at a health food store.

I saw this recipe the other day on Pinterest.  The name caught my eye. If you enjoy the smell of a Christmas Ham then you will probably enjoy this recipe. I used one drop of clove oil along with lavender and and orange oil and my hubby kept sniffing me and telling me I smelled like dinner. That was not what I was going for. But using this mix in a diffuser during the holidays may make your home smell more festive.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Monday morning adventure, scientific experiments and I still dont know whats for dinner

We have a 6 month old beagle and he is so much fun and so much trouble its not even funny. He has gotten tall enough to look in on the girls, the chickens, when I feed or look for eggs. In fact every time we open the garage door he runs back to the inside part of their coop in hopes I am opening the door. The girls are so use to him saying hi that they do not run away. Its actually pretty cute. Since Balders favorite activity is playing ball hes really been excited watching me get the "balls" out of the coop. He just doesnt understand why I wont let him have my eggs.

This morning I am driving to a town that I have never driven to before by myself. I will have my kiddos with me and they are much better at directions than I am so I should be fine. Just in case you do not hear from me again you will know I got lost and just settled down in whatever city I ended up in. Do not worry I get lost all the time. I always manage to make it home.

I know that this is going to come as a shock to you but people lie on the internet. I hope you were sitting down when I said that. I am as surprised as you. Who knew? In searching for a good night time magnesium oil recipe I encountered lots of websites with the same exact recipes. Like people were copying and pasting things from other websites pretending they were the original ones doing something. They even had the same pictures. One of my favorite bloggers was talking about something doing that with one of her posts a few weeks ago. Its not that they share your ideas its taking credit for them I think that most people find annoying. My problem is they dont even try the recipe to see if it really works!

I promise you  I will not post anything I have not tried myself. I will tell you if its a fail and if that fail is human error or recipe error. I am not ashamed to say that I mess up. I mess up a lot and thats okay.

I really dont know why this comes a shock for me. Back when the internet was pretty new my sister and I decided to make everyone pretty candles for Christmas. You melted your wax and put potpourri in the candles. Ours looked just like the ones online. We were so excited. Then we decided to light one and they potpourri caught on fire. We threw them out, Who wants to responsible for burning down the house of your loved ones?

Last night I made the magnesium lotion I talked about yesterday. Mine did not whip up at all. It does have the consistency of lotion though and with the lavender I used its smells quite delightful. Its a little grainy from the magnesium I used but we are putting it on our feet not our face.

 I do not really have trouble sleeping. So I am not sure if I am a good spokesperson for the lotion. My family did let me put it on their feet. Thats right no one wanted to touch it themselves so at bed time I went from person to person and lotioning their feet. The things we do for those we love. So far though we all had a good nights sleep. The only thing I see as a possible problem from using the lotion is the oil stain on my sheets. I guess socks would remedy that problem as well. I will let you know if the stain washes out. I dont wont to be known as the woman who ruined everyones bed linens either! I will keep you posted.

As for dinner, I was meal planning before bed and was on Pinterest. I do not have a meal planned for tonight but I do have a cute yard flag made from burlap I really want to make. I put some hamburger from the freezer to the fridge so I guess I am halfway there. Enjoy your Monday.

Lots of Love

Mrs Ladybug

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Reflection, planning for the week ahead and a Groupon Deal

I always made fun of people who had to have their morning coffee to function. I thought they were just joking or it was all in their head. Recently I have come to realize that if I dont have my morning tea I do not function properly either. Its not even about caffeine since I dont always drink a tea with caffeine in the mornings. I think its mostly about a routine and if mine gets broken then I am broken.

I actually prefer loose leaf teas and am lucky to have a few pretty amazing tea shops where I live. I think sometimes when you price loose tea you get kind of a sticker shock but if you were to dump out the little tea bags you purchase from the store I think would see that the price isnt too much higer if its higher at all. I am not really sure about black teas but I do know that I have yet to find an Earl Grey that is as beautiful or tasty as the one from Lexington Coffee and Tea. I love that with loose leaf teas you can steep them twice and it may be a weaker but still very good. Try that with your little bagged teas.

Sundays are the perfect time to look back on the past week and be thankful that I survived. I try to think about if I missed something that I need to add to the coming week, like reaching out to someone or rescheduling anything. I also like to plan my week ahead like our meals and any outings. Knowing which days I can fix something more complicated for dinner and which days I need to throw stuff in a crockpot. Tomorrow is going to be spent on the road dropping of my girl to her aunt for a little vacation before school starts back. I may not use the crockpot but you can bet I will want a 30 minute or less meal with an easy clean up.

Do you love Groupon? Thanks to Groupon we have tried lots of places to eat that we may not have tried without it. I got a great deal on the Newspaper, bought a few Christmas presents and other things. Yesterday I found a great deal on there for Redbox. Redbox is one of our favorite date night ideas. You can get a $20 ecard for $12 right now. The only thing is you have to reserve the movie online to use the ecard.  I usually stop at a redbox on my way out of the store so I need to make sure I dont forget to use my ecard.

I hope everyone had a nice relaxing Sunday. Pat yourself on the back for surviving the past week. I hope that you have recharged your batteries and are ready for the week ahead. Right now all my family is either at a basketball game or visiting someone so I am going to try a new to whip new bed time lotion with magnesium in it. I will let you know how it turns out and whether everyone was on board or if they told me to stop with my witchcraft.

Lots of Love

Mrs Ladybugyu7i

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Quiet Saturdays, another lazy dinner and keeping my sanity.

Yay for Saturday! When I wake up on a Saturday morning and its past 6am I feel like I have won the lottery or something. Even thought I am a total morning person my hubby is a morning person on steroids or maybe its coffee. Anyway he tries to be so quiet so I can sleep in but hes not very good at it. I tell him all the time he would stink as a ninja.

I was up showered and dressed by 8 and then it was off to Luckys Market to grab 2 seedless watermelons and some Botanical Garden seeds. They are one of my favorite brands and Luckys has the biggest selection besides shopping on line. What weekend doesnt include a trip to Lowes? In fact I feel like maybe I should start taking breakfast to the young man who always waits on us on Saturday mornings.

I am pretty sure my hubby has a plan on Saturday mornings to get me out the door in a rush. When we are headed back home he usually casually mentions stopping at a drive thru to grab a breakfast sandwich. He says its so I can enjoy my morning but its really a country ham biscuit he really likes. This morning though I was prepared. When he asked if I wanted to stop, which by the way why does he want to make it seem like its my idea? Is this some sort of reverse psychology? I told him I had bought some croissants and that I was going to fix ham, egg and cheese ones for breakfast. He said okay but I think as we drove by Hardees he may have had a tear in his eye.

Croissants $1.59 marked down at the bakery, ham $1.49lb, sharp cheddar $.75and eggs from the back yard. I think I saved a few bucks and I mine was made with love.

I think I may be either getting lazy or absentminded in my old age. For two days in a row I forgot to put something out for dinner. So last night I grabbed some shredded cooked chicken I had in the freezer, pasta which I had three boxes with only a serving in each. 6 cups of chicken broth and a half bag of peas and carrots. Break up the pasta and throw everything in a pot. Bring to a boil and turn down to a simmer and cook until pasta is cooked 15-20 minutes. You can add salt, pepper and garlic to taste.

My family says that I am hard to buy for when its comes to my birthday and Christmas. I was actually pretty surprised and when I asked my they said it was because I always make all my own things. I had the brilliant idea that I would just make a list on Amazon of things that I like and since everyone uses me amazon account the could look at it and know what I like. I also created a board on my Pinterest account called What To Buy Mom. There shouldnt be any problem now. I had two things on my Amazon list. One was a Diary Book by Laura Ingalls Wilder and the other was a necklace to put essential oils in. My husband has bought both and given them to me. Which is really sweet but now I have to find more things to put on my  list. I am not complaining. Its nice to be loved and showered with gifts.

Here is a little recipe I found to wear in my necklace. I loved the name as well. This is perfect when you are going to be out and about and dealing with people all day. I can not wait for someone to ask what scent I am wearing. 

Have a great Saturday!

Lots Of Love

Mrs Ladybug