Tuesday, August 11, 2020

__________ is as____________ does.


This morning as I was making my husbands coffee I wasnt paying attention and over poured and hot water and coffee grounds went everywhere. I actually said "stupid is a stupid does" to myself. Do you remember that phrase from the movie Forest Gump? That reminded me of another saying "pretty is as pretty does" which led me to an internet search which led me to several fiction books by that title and even a song Pretty Is as Pretty does from 1989 by a band called Guadalcanal Diaries from their album Flip Flop. That got weird fast, didnt it?

Any word that you put in there will work. Today I wish to be productive so my motto is "productive is as productive does". Others words one might use are calm, happy or optimistic. I think you get the point. Am I going to be as productive as I like? Maybe or maybe not. You just read the first paragraph and see how easily distracted I get. Luckily I have learned to be kinder to myself and cut myself some slack. Every day is a fresh start. Which leads me to my bible verse of the day and l our motivational sticky note.

Psalm 51:10 God make a fresh start in me, shape a Genesis week from the chaos in my life.

We normally think of a fresh start as the beginning of our day. For me my fresh start is as I go to bed. I pray and think about my day. The good, the bad, and the ugly. I let go of what I had no control over, like things other people have done. I think about what I could control like  my reactions to things and I think about that was good about my day and give thanks for that. I start thinking about how I can start my tomorrow on the right path. 

Have you ever had an argument with your spouse or anyone you love before you try to go sleep? Did you sleep well? I sure dont. I toss and turn and wake up feeling tired.  My husband and I are getting too old to properly function the next day if we tossed and turned over a disagreement all night. We do our darndest to get over whatever silly thing we argued about. Honestly it may not have seemed silly at the time but after a few days you realize it wasnt as big of a deal as you thought. 

How about eating a big heavy meal late in the evening? That usually leads to indigestion and tossing and turning as well. It only took me a few weeks of eating healthier to realize I didnt have indigestion anymore. I can even drink coffee again. The acid in coffee would upset my stomach every time I drank it. Even if I did decaf. I do still only drink decaf because I am very sensitive to caffeine. Its crazy how I get all jittery and feel anxioous for no reason.  In the mornings when I am making my tea I make a cup of decaf and make an iced coffee for later in the day. It has been wonderful. 

Its 12 oz of brewed coffee, 1 scoop pf MCT powder, or coconut milk or almond milk. I have to limit my dairy so I do not drink cows milk. Getting old is so weird. I like this sugar free carmel syrup I get at Sams club but there are so many good ones out there any will do. I just pour it into my travel mug and pop in the fridge. I use a travel mug in case I have an errand to run. I can grab my iced coffee and take it with me and am not tempted to stop anywhere to grab one. If it gets to be the end of the day and I have not drank it yet I grab it and have a sit down in a comfie chair, or outside with the chirpy birds or even at my computer while I go through recipes or Pinterest. 

I would encourage you to think about your fresh start as you lay your pretty little head on the pillow, preferably at a reasonable hour so you can wake up refreshed. I am so glad I dont have to have it all figured out to get started on a new path. I just have to take that first step and so do you. So your challenge today is to just take that first step to whatever it is you KNOW you need to do. It can be as easy as filling up a bag of things to get rid of or something hard like a phone call to mend a broken relationship or end a much needed one. Maybe its a fun step like finally starting a new project or business adventure, deciding on a paint color to paint a room. Seriously its just paint go buy it and guess what, if you decide you dont like the color when you are finished you can paint it another color later its really not that big of a deal. Can you tell I need to pick out a paint color for something? Thats a post for another day.

I love object lessons and crafting. I have been wanting to make a stepping stone forever using quickcrete and broken plates. I think I will be doing this soon and if you like crafts I would encourage you to as well. If you dont like crafts you can buy some really cute ones already made. So make or get a stepping stone and place it somewhere will you will at least step off it once a day. It will remind you to take that first step at whatever it is you need to do. Dont like stepping stones? Thats okay too. Make or buy a cute rug. Place it beside your bed or anywhere you wish. Waking up and stepping off onto it will remind you to start that first step as well. If you try either craft or purchase one I want to see your pictures and I will update you on mine as well.  So many crafts so little time!

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