Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Today I choose __________.

As I said in a previous post the week or so I was very sick with whatever I had I was a bit dramatic. I was so tired and had gotten into the habit of taking little naps which now I know was from the ever and I had eaten popsicles which I guess made me happy from childhood memories. I even told a few friends and my sister that when I started feeling better I was not going to give up my naps or my popsicles. All week I have had my energy back and happy to report no naps or popsicles. Every day I feel so energized and am very thankful for feeling so well. I actually said maybe its good to get sick every once in awhile to appreciate every day tasks once again.

I was looking up a bible verse this morning and came across this little gem. That was sarcasm by the way.

 1 Peter 4;1-2 MSG  Since Jesus went through everything you're going through and more, learn to think like him. Think of your sufferings as weaning from that old sinful habit of always expecting to get your own way. Then you'll be able to live out your days free to pursue what God wants instead of being tyrannized by what you want.

Well they didnt beat around the bush with getting to the point in that did they? I never made the connection that when  something goes not as planned and it throws me off and I start thinking "its always something" that thats me being upset things arent going my way. Heres a good example. A few weeks ago when my hubby and son were trying to get the kids car fixed they were having a time getting the tire off, It was very frustrating for them. Nothing was getting that tire off. This seems to be an issue with some cars and people online and even a few youtube videos said you are going to have to take a sledgehammer to it. Which is what they ended up doing. They had to break something off to get to the part they needed to fix and then had to replace two parts. All the while I was their best cheerleader. I was like you are doing great, dont worry you will get it, its okay I dont mind us all carpooling. I meant every word. They fixed the car it saved us money and all is well with the world.

Then I had planned  some hospitality with others, I had planned on doing some house cleaning and decluttering so hospitality would run smoother. These plans were for the good and then I got sick and couldnt get anything accomplished. I whined and acted like a baby, refused to admit I was sick until I was really sick and my plans were put on the back burner. I on several occasions thought this isnt fair, why is this happening? I am trying to do good things and this is what happens? I was like a toddler who didnt get what they wanted.

Things usually have a way of working out. When I look back over my almost 50 years of life I see lots of little and sometimes big bumps in the road that I had no idea how they would get fixed but they did. I think most of us would agree thats how it works out in their lives as well. How we CHOOSE to react to them in on us. We may have no control over the situation that arises but we have so much control over how we react.

This is where the hospitality wiggles its way into this post. I could name at least 10 people right now who are having some little to some pretty big bumpy roads. One of the easiest things you can do is reach out and ask if there is anything they need? How can you help. May I suggest that you do not give advice unless you are asked. I have friends that I can say anything to and they know its out of love and they may not agree even if its exactly what they need to hear but they will think about what I say and either say thanks for the great advice or you have no clue and mind your business. Either way we are all good and they can do the same to me. There people are special and not everyone you know wants or needs your advice.  No one wants to hear that they put themselves in this situation because they already know that. Mind your business, if you arent going to help them please dont hurt them.

I feel like I need to insert a cute story or something to make you laugh because thats sort of a mean way to end my post. So I will end it with a great idea a hospitality day if you like spa themed dates. You can think my sister for finding this one. She and I have the most fun sending each other the strangest things we find on Pinterest.

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