My day actually started out pretty productive. I awoke at 5:30 got dressed, made the hubby breakfast, packed his lunch and scored two chairs to transform and sell. Then I made myself a cup of tea, my favorite peanut butter on toast breakfast and sat down to blog. Only my page wouldn't load and my computer was running so slow. Good morning Monday.
Last week was a mess! My son had a root canal and another appointment, my daughter had an appointment, my car was in the shop for 2 days so I was driving and picking up my husband so I could have a car during the day. I didn't have a good meal plan for the week. Getting loose ends tied up for my son to start college and still planning to start a way for me to continue to stay home and make money.
Several years ago my sister and I would watch a show on HGTV called Decorating Cents. A designer would transform a room for less than $500. There was a part of the show called From Trash To Treasure. That was actually our favorite part. My sister and I dreamed of having our own little business selling our trash to treasures. We even had a great name. Dumpster Divas. I had three young kids and my sister moved to southern Alabama. Maybe someday.......
Fast forward back to today. My life is changing fast, no more car lines, PTA meetings, marching band practices, concerts and all those other things I have been doing the past 20 years. I think "someday" has arrived. Honestly it could have arrived years ago. I was just too scare, tired, afraid of failure and a much longer list of "what ifs".
What's holding you back from achieving your goals or dreams? Someday is not a day of the week at all. It will never come if you don't step out of your bubble and make it happen. This doesn't have to be about a business. Someday we want to be more organized, thinner, have more money, travel, entertain more, start a new hobby or read a book. Someday is now. What plans can you make to reach your goals?
This week I have all my meals planned. I even grilled extra chicken last night to have a faster meal prep for Tuesday night because Tuesday is a day of running errands for me this week. I sat a goal and I may not achieve it but I will make progress to get there. Which is better than nothing and letting another week go buy waiting for Someday.
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