Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Hospitality is refreshing.

Have you ever had to unlearn something? There is 5 years difference between my oldest and my middle child. I was very observant with that first child in school because I knew I would have more children and I wanted to be on top of the things they needed to know. I wanted my kids to be smart and do well. Well in that 5 years they changed everything. I had to unlearn and relearn along with the second kid. Luckily two years later when the last kid came along they hadnt changed anything and I am so glad because with three kids I was too tired to learn anything new. 

Hospitality is suppose to be refreshing. Unfortunately sometimes we get entertaining and hospitality mixed up. Hospitality is about your guests where entertaining is about your skills as being a great hostess. I think when we throw the thought of entertaining out the window and embrace what true hospitality is we will find it refreshing, just like a good friendship. 

Here are two examples. My sister sent me this pic of ham roses. Is this not the cutest idea ever? But it looks like alot of work and if you are going to make ham roses what else fancy do you have to go with them. I am going to be honest I will be trying to make this bouquet. I find this very fun but its gonna take time and I will post my first Pinterest Fail of the project when I attempt this.

This pictures is of my smashed potato appetizers. You boil fingerling potatoes and smash them. You then top them with bacon crumbles, cheddar cheese and pop them in the oven until the cheese melts and then add a little sour cream. Its like two bite baked potatoes and so very easy. We actually had these with dinner last night with a rotisserie chicken from the deli and steamed broccoli. 

As you ease into the idea of hospitality keep it simple. Keep it comfortable. Think more about what you want to talk about and get to know about your guests than whats on the menu. It can be as easy as chips and dip with bottled water. Hospitality has you sitting with your guest not up and down getting things or watching the oven. 

When your guest leaves you should feel refreshed. Having piles of dishes and having to spend time cleaning up after everyone leaves is not going to make you feel refreshed. Take this into consideration as you plan your get together.

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