Monday, April 30, 2018

Get more from your rosemary.

I love rosemary. I think I could just carry a sprig around with me all day and just sniff it. Is that weird? I dont even care if it is. With the crazy winter we had here in Kentucky my rosemary didnt make it. Its partly my fault . I have been growing it long enough to know to clip some in the fall and get it sprouting to plant in the spring just in case something happens to the outside plant over the winter. So I had to go buy a plant the other day and thought I would share this handy tip with any of you who love this herb as much as I do.

Pick out a plant with  lots of shoots on it. You are going to cut a few off. I think I paid $4 for this one at Lowes. Cut off at least 3 of the shoots sticking out sideways. We are hoping to have at least one sprout and if they all do then we will be ecstatic! cut about 4-5 inches long.  Then you are just going to place them in a little glass and sit them in a sunny window or anywhere that you wont forget about them. You will need to make sure that it doesnt run our of water and that the ends are always in the water. When you start to see little roots you know you are on your way. I normally dont transplant until my roots are over an inch long. I will keep you updated on how they look. If all 3 of mine take root that will give me 4 plants total for $4. Thats not a bad price at all. I already put a reminder in my calendar for later this fall to not forget to do this again.

I was out cutting dandelions to infuse more oil with and I was picking those little violets that those lawn companies want  you to think they are weeds but can be dried and used in teas or sugared to put on top of cakes. I also saw some other purple flowers that I have not taken the time to identify and some little wild daisy like flowers that I let grow and I was just in awe of the colors and the beauty of them all in there little area. Like the picture says no one was competing they were just doing what they do, bloom. When I look into the yards of others on my street some have beautiful flower gardens they tend to all the time. Others just mow their grass and dont want any flowers. Some really need to mow their grass or they are going to lose their dog or small children in it. All so different but none really wrong. You can zoom out and look from street to street, neighborhood to neighborhood. city to city and see so many different yard with so many different people blooming the way that is best for them. None wrong just different. If only we could learn from our little flowers in our yard and learn to exist in the same way. Tomorrow I will tell you something about ragweed, golden rod and poison ivy and why they like to exist together.

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