Elephants adenoids, cats whiskers, cats meow, ants pants, tigers spots, bullfrogs beard, elephants instep, caterpillars kimono, turtles neck, ducks quack, monkeys eyebrows and gnats elbows.
Why on earth do we think that the slang that pops up today is so strange with slang like the monkeys eyebrows? Weird!
Speaking of the bees Mr Ladybug did a hive inspection and we are so excited about the honey flow thats happening right now. Here are a few pics of whats going on with the bees.
I love when you can see all the pollen the girls are bringing in. Can you see the orange pollen on this one? I think I have found the tree shes getting it from in our neighborhood.
This is honey thats been capped. Notice how it looks white?
This is honey that hasnt been capped.
This my friends is a hot mess and if left unattended can make a real mess when trying to remove from the hive because they will continue with the odd pattern and everything sticks together but fixing issues like this helps me get a little wax to melt and clean and use in my soaps and things.
My trash find has turned into a nice little camomile garden. I cant wait to start harvesting and drying the little flower for teas later this season.
Another thing I am drying are my heirloom rose petals. They have my kitchen smelling so good and they have a surprisingly sweet taste. When the snows on the ground I will be sipping a rose petal. camomile and lavender tea all grown in the garden and dream about the year to come.